Sunday, November 2, 2014

# 25 Scott Nesson locks poor family out of their home over $12.50 debt

Scott, here is another family you know. The parents of the family that is – Pheng Heng, aged 60,and his wife Pok Poq, aged 52.  You locked them out of their home last month because they were $12.50 behind in rent owed to the Cambodian Children’s Fund.


Pheng Heng and Pok Poq

The Cambodian Children’s Fund  has three of Pheng Heng and Pok Poq’s children in care. Given that virtually all CCF kids have at least one sponsor, this means that CCF is generating between $300 and $450 a month in income from this family without providing any financial assistance to the rest of the family.

$300 a month is 3 times Pheng Heng’s monthly wage when he has a job. He doesn’t have a job at the moment because he was badly injured in a traffic accident and has been unable to work. So what do you do, Scott, when an impoverished family is $12.50 behind in their rent? A family whose children CCF is caring for? Lock them out of their house during the rainy season.

What kind of man are you?  Such insensitive, mercenary (and dare I say, inhumane) behavior is certainly not of the variety you boast about on Facebook or talk about when interviewed in your jet-set travels around the world to remind everyone what a wonderful man you are to have given up your $1 million a year job in Hollywood to help poor rubbish dump families.

How many other families have you locked out of their homes over sums as petty as $12.50?

You will not answer this question, of course, and I can only hope that in due course the media will start to ask such questions and, when you refuse to answer them, report this – along with testimonies from families you have locked locked out or families that have suffered other human rights abuses at the hands of the Cambodian Children’s Fund.

Locking families out of their homes is not the only way that your mercenary callousness reveals itself. In my last blog entry I wrote of Tath Raksa – the 15 months old baby that CCF is determined to ‘rescue’ from his loving but very poor dump-working family.

Just three days ago CCF staff went to the home of Tath Pheng and Kim Tath (the grandparents) to apply yet more pressure on them to hand over baby Raksa. Has there been any offer from the Cambodian Children’s Fund to help Raksa’s intellectually handicapped mother, his grandparents; the entire family? No, it is baby Raksa CCF is offering to help; not the family.   You want Raksa for your CCF nursery. Is there a spare bed that needs to be filled?

No doubt, in due course, if you had your way, a photo of you and baby Raksa  (a photogenic boy with big brown eyes) would appear on your Facebook page and hundreds of people would ‘like’ the photo, refer to you as an ‘angel’ and in various other ways heap praise on you for being such a kind and generous man. A saint!

Until such time as some arrangement can be made to help the entire family, I will be supporting it so that the grandparents can afford to resist your high pressure tactics to take baby Raksa from them.

Please tell your staff to stop pressuring Tath Pheng and Kim Tath to give Raksa up. Tell them to back off. You should not be harvesting babies in this way, anyway, Scott. You should be helping entire families.

I can only hope that it will not take as long as it did with Somaly Mam for the fraudulent aspects of the Cambodian Children’s Fund to be exposed to public view. I hope that you are exposed  before TIME or some other magazine puts a photo of you on its cover, hailing you as the savior of Cambodia’s poor and powerless – a selfless man who gave up his $1 million a year job etc.; before yet another hagiographic documentary is made by filmmakers who have not bothered to do basic research into how CCF is actually run, as opposed to how your marketing machine presents is as being run.

If you desperately need a baby, Scott, find a woman you can have one with. Stop stealing other people's babies.


  1. How can Neeson be allowed to get away with this? WTF!

    1. lol, its all untrue. this guy is obsessed. its like a disease

    2. What is untrue? And which guy is obsessed? ANd who has the disease?

  2. Does anyone care that Scott Neeson is exploiting poor Cambodians to build his Cambodian Children's Fund empire? Why is the media silent? Why do human rights organisations remain silent? Why do other NGOs in Cambodia remain silent? Have they forgotten Somaly Mam already?

  3. The reality is that Neeson is untouchable. Fore reasons I do not understand the media here in Cambodia has no interest in holding him accountable; in asking hims questions; in following up with my blog entries and seeing if what I write is true or a lie? Did Neeson evict a family over a $12.50 debt? Easy way to find out - ask Neeson. Ask the family. Ask others in the community who rent houses from CCF. Have they also had the experience of being locked out? What kind of contractual arrangements have these parents entered into with Neeson when they have placed their kids in his care? Do the parents have copies of the contracts? If not, why not? And have CCF staff signed non-disclosure contracts that forbid them from making any comments at all about CCF? These are just a few of the questions that could be asked by the Cambodian media (both Khmer and English-speaking) but which are not. These are the same questions that could be asked by human rights organisations such as LICADHO and ADHOC but which are not. The dynamic is almost identical to the one that prevailed for years before Somaly Mam was exposed. It was common knowledge for years (I heard first in 2005) that Somaly Mam played fast and loose with the truth. It took close to a decade before she was exposed. It seems that the same will happen with Scott Neeson and CCF for the lack of questions being asked by those who should be asking them - the media, human rights organisations and other NGOs whose reputations will likewise be sullied when the truth about CCF is revealed.

  4. Please do not send me anything on Facebook again. I do not know who you are and you sound batshit crazy. Maybe that is why the media wont listen to this ridiculous witch-hunt.

    1. Dear Anonymous, you do in fact know who I am because I make no secret of the fact - unlike your dear self. A question for you Mr/Ms Anonymous: Was the journalist who pursued Somaly Mam and eventually exposed her as a a liar, 'batshit crazy'? This epithet could be applied to any and all journalists who ask questions, who investigate and whose discoveries make for unpleasant reading for those who, like yourself it seems, do not wish to question the status quo.

  5. Its just a troll, James. Ignore her. She's just trying to wind you up. You can't have a rational conversation with a troll.

    1. Well, providing a more or less rational response seems to have silenced him/her!

  6. I've heard a rumour that Neeson has been asked to resign by the board of the Cambodian Children's Fund. Does anyone know if this is true or not? If it is true does he get to keep the million bucks worth of FMG shares or were they given to CCF?

    1. I have heard the same rumour but I suspect it is just that - a rumour.

  7. you look like a pervert, actually and your bullshit is not true, wtf you want anyway, sending messages to people with twisted information and lies is cowardly.

  8. You are your own worst enemy. The reason no journalists will go near this shit, aside from the fact its total bullshit, is because of you. This is a personal vendetta that seems to have been going for years, not a "search for the truth". Neeson has answered you before, but what good did it do? You are not interested in the truth. You just want to slander him and his organisation.

    You are obviously so obsessed and filled with hate for a man that lives with compassion and care, and runs (by just about every measure there is) a world leading, best-practice NGO. You, and the two people that comment on these posts, are the only ones that say otherwise. Your accusations are so widespread that I can't tell what you actual problem is - apparently it is everything that Neeson or CCF does.

    It seems there is no depth too low for you to sink, however the post where you stand up for a guy convicted of being a pedophile in the UK and Cambodia has got to be the lowest.

    I hope Neeson's time is spent helping more and more kids to get an education, not responding to this hate-filled drivel. And I'm sure visitors to this blog will see it for what it is - the rancid ramblings of a bitter old man.

  9. Dear 'Anonymous' ( a very common name in Cambodia!)

    If journalists do not 'go near this shit' because of me, it does not speak very highly of their journalistic curiousity.

    To accuse any journalist who pursues a story doggedly over a long period of time of being engaged in a 'vendetta' is a cheap shot. Were the journalists who pursued Richard Nixon (Woodword and Bernstein) engaged in a 'vendetta'? Was the journalist who spent years trying to find out the truth about Somaly Mam engaged in a 'vendetta'? No, it is journalists' job to ask questions and, when the questions remain unanswered, to keep asking and to dig deeper looking for answers. In this I am no different from any other investigative journalist.

    Only once has Neeson half-answered a couple of questions. The rest remain unanswered. The latest questions have to do with a husband and wife I interviewed last weekend who were locked out of their home because they were $12.50 behind in their rent. Talking with others in the community I discovered that such 'lockouts' are common.

    Now, of course, the entire community might be lying. ANd the husband and wife may have locked themselves out of their own house to 'slander' Neeson. If so, all Neeson has to do is say, "CCF does not have a policy of locking poor people out of their homes."

    As for my hating Neeson, no, not at all. I have never met him and have only his actions to judge him by. And there is sufficient evidence to suggest that CCF is not a "world leading, best-practice NGO' regardless of how cleverly Neeson has marketed it as such. The same could have been (and was) said of the Somaly Mam Fondation before she was exposed as playing fast and loose with the truth.

    As for my 'problems' with Neeson, I need not repeat what I have already written. OK, just one thing: Why is Neeson so secretive about the contracts that he forces the parents of children in CCF care to sign? Why does he not allow them to retain a copy? Why does he refuse to show copies of such contracts to journalists who ask to see them?

    As for my 'standing up for a pedophile' I think, 'Anonymous' that you will find, if you read through my blog, that I am standing up for his right to a fair trial. I happen to have some thoughts of my own regarding his guilt based on the fact that the girl he allegedly raped was found to be a virgin buy the court, and by the fact that she has admitted to numerous people now that she was not raped. Still, its for the court to decide and, to date, despite four and a half years in jail, David Fletcher has not yet had a fair trial.

    To refer to my journalism as 'hate-filled-drivel' is to shoot the messenger - a tried and true (if somewhat tired) response from those who do not want to answer questions.

    best wishes

    James (bitter old man) Ricketson

    1. Smart arse cunt!

    2. Anonymous - what a fantastic intellect you have just portrayed. Sounds like you learned that phrase in prison.
      Keep going James Ricketson - you have definitely upset the crooks at CCF

    3. I think s/he learned it hanging out of Khmer440! This is the level of thinking of those who decided, on the basis of a photo of David Fletcher holding hands with young girls and Scott Neeson's telling the world that he was 'grooming' little girls, to destroy him. The sad truth is that they succeeded. Very unpleasant people!

  10. The reason why Neeson is untouchable in Cambodia is because he has paid a large amount of money to high ranking police. You did say that he has purchased land in Cambodia. Well he can't do that unless he is a Cambodian or has citizenship, therefore someone is acting as his 51% Khmer partner.
    I wouldn't worry about those Anonymous idiots above James - the reason they are attacking you is because you are hitting the truth nerve, and they (McCabe, Neeson and their paid cronies) are worried that cracks are emerging.

  11. I do not worry about the 'Anonymous idiots above'. I try to answer their implied questions in as civilised a manner as I can. Interestingly, those who accuse me of being a liar never bother to point out what lies I have told. If I have made any errors of fact I will happily correct them. In part I am keeping this record, along with my invitation to be corrected if I have made errors of fact, so that Scott Neeson and others cannot turn around, further down the track, and complain that I have I have my facts wrong; that I have lied and so on. If you are reading this, Scott, please accept this as an open invitation (one of many I have made) to correct any errors of fact I may be guilty of. If CCF claims that it does not lock families out of homes rented from CCF for debts as little as $12.50, please come out and say so. If I am wrong, if the people who are telling me that they have been locked out of their homes, are wrong, come out and vigorously defend CCF's modus operandi.

  12. How disgraceful that CCF is abusing families and yet they have started their own child protection unit that is supposed to protect chidden and their families. Oh, hang on, I nearly chocked on my own laughter, it is run by a crooked ex copper who stole money and did drug trafficking whilst he was a copper. Fantastic integrity. I suppose McCabe has one thing though, he can understand how criminals feel when they are put in gaol for abusing children. Maybe he can become a criminals advocate. Im sure McCabe is hoping that you go away James and don't rock the CCF boat - if CCF falls over, McCabe loses his monthly salary and he certainly can't go back to Australia - who would hire an ex crim.

    1. I live and work in Cambodia and wonder why it is I am finding out all this stuff about Neeson on a blog and not from the newspapers. I mean, WTF, if Neeson is locking poor families out of their homes because they are $12.50 behind in their rent, isn't that news? Maybe James Ricketson is lying. May he has made the story up. Has anyone from the Cambodia Daily or the Phnom Penh Post checked?

    2. Anonymous 10 November - are you serious? The PP Post and Cambodia Daily? Both of those newspapers are full of 1 year transient wanna-be journalists who come into Cambodia, stir up a pile of dung and then leave to go back to their little lives of marijuana smoking and soy lattes. A story from them has no credibility and even if they did do a story, you can guarantee that it will not be correct - you only have to look at William Jackson - worked at the Cambodia Daily until he was asked to leave for dubious circumstances. Now writes for the PP Post - it is very well known that he is a good fringed of Neeson's and writes only favourable stories for them. Have you seen the pile of rubbish that Jackson wrote about McCabe and how he is the guardian angel of Cambodia - I nearly vomited. So, lets keep this in perspective shall wee. James Ricketson has more credibility in his little finger than anyone from the Daily or Post. Are you one of those naive NGO types?

    3. I've only heard good things about the McCabe's CPU so far, and CCF has been upfront about McCabe's involvement from day one. Can't find the article you mention about McCabe, but I did find this one:

    4. You have only heard good things about McCabe's CPU so far? Are you serious? All the things we have heard are from CCF themselves. And its not McCabes CPU, Neeson created it and McCabe was hired to run it. But I am still mind blown at some of the people that support McCabe - the guy is a convicted criminal. Not only that, he was a copper who committed crimes when he was on duty. Have people lost any sense of integrity. But who cares right - lets not segregate good honest people from dirty scumbag coppers who went to gaol. There is no debate on this. As soon as he was released from gaol he was straight back to Cambodia and then Neeson hired him at CCF. Apparently the best person for the job. What a joke. Does CCF do criminal history checks on employees. Did they interview other applicants for the job? Anonymous above - please have a think before you write nonsense posts that state McCabe is an angel that can now be trusted because CCF says he is a good person. And just to cap it off - a close friend of mine who is very close to Neeson told me that Neeson and McCabe had planned McCabe coming back to Cambodia and working for CCF when he first went to gaol. Thats 4 years of a pre-planned scheme - so please don't tell me that McCabe, after being released from prison, is now on a mission to save children because its in his heart or he has found god or some other crap - he is only doing it because its his only way to get a salary.

    5. If CCF, along with the CPU donors (and the media) are aware of McCabe's past, and they made the decision that they are confident he is uniquely skilled to perform this role, why are you so opposed to it? He made a mistake, he served his time. I don't see anyone calling him an angel - his past is out there for all to see.

      I know that the CPU model is something that other NGOs are looking at, and I hope it can be replicated by other organisations in countries facing similar problems. They are investigating cases of child abuse, rape and homicide, making arrests and getting convictions based on western-standard evidence collection. This program will win awards for the work it is doing, and deservedly so.

      I've seen plenty in terms of CPU results in the Cambodian papers - like the arrest of the 2-star general, which even required international cooperation and i think interpol. That would have been unheard of not long ago. McCabe seems to be getting the job done - a horrible job that I wouldn't want to do for a day. But if you think this is some "con" by Neeson and McCabe, well you have a pretty rich imagination. It begs the questions - is this really moral outrage, or something more personal???

    6. Anonymous, above, the media are note aware if Mc Cabe's past. Read through any articles like the one in 'The Australian' recently, or in the 'Vancouver Sun' 10 or so days ago and you will find no mention of Mc Cabe's criminal past. You will, however, find that Neeson is regularly referred to as a 'mogul', as having made 200 films and other such nonsense. Neeson is a marketing man and he is very good at it. Quite understandably he does not go out of his way to tell journalists that McCabe is a convicted criminal. Nor would I if I were in Scott's position. The important question is: Is Mc Cabe good at his job? Here we will never know because Scot plays fast and loose with the truth all the time and will tell journalists whatever is going to portray himself and the CPU in a good light. It may well be that Mc Cabe is very good at his job and I agree that, having done his time for his crime, it is pointless to keep pursuing this point.

    7. Why would he talk about his past in every interview? That doesn't make sense. It's been done, its public knowledge.

      And yes, Neeson was a film marketer, I can't find a single example where he claims otherwise.

    8. He makes no reference to Mc Cabe's criminal record in any of the interviews in which he is trying to raise money by this is a red herring. Why would he? I actually donot think that Mc Cab's past is all that relevant. What is relevant is whether or not the CPU is effective and we will never know that because, contrary to the Anonymous suggestion above, Neeson is not a filmmaker. He is/was someone who marketed films made by other people. There's a big different. He was never a 'mogul' as he presents himself to be and he did not make 200 films as suggested in the Vancouver sun. This is utter nonsense.

      An open letter to Scott Neeson:

  13. What about the young boy that died at CCF 5? I heard Scott had his death covered up. He supposedly paid off the boy's family to keep their mouths shut and keep their other kids at CCF.


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