Friday, May 30, 2014

# 9 email to Scott Neeson, 22nd Feb 2014

Dear Scott

It is now two and a half years since I began to correspond with you and the Cambodian Children’s Fund on 10th Sept 2011.

My request at the time was a simple one – to be put in contact with the family I had, a few years beforehand, filmed in the Phnom Penh rubbish tip.

Using a variety of different reasons, (one of which involved you telling me, whom you had never met, that I was a ’voyeur!)  you refused to put me in contact with the family or to pass on to the family that I was wishing to make contact with them. You also lied to me about the help CCF had given to the family.

I eventually tracked down the parents, despite your attempts to make this impossible.  They informed me that they had recently asked the CCF to return their daughters to them and that CCF had refused to do so.

I asked the parents if they had signed any form of contract or agreement with CCF in relation to their daughters that gave CCF a legal right to keep the girls against the wishes of their parents. They said no, that they had entered into no written agreement with CCF.

I cannot speak to the truth of what the parents told me regarding a contract or agreement – only that they wished to have their daughters returned to their care and that CCF refused.

I filmed with the the family that day – the mother and father having just returned from their days work in the new Phnom Penh rubbish dump. They told me that CCF provided them with no financial help at all; that CCF had done nothing to help them extricate themselves from their life of working in the dump (for a combined income of $1000 per annum) and become sufficiently self-sufficient to be able to take care of their daughters.

It should not be necessary to even make this observation but these parents loved their children and the children loved their parents – as my footage make perfectly clear. It broke their hearts to have limited access to their daughters and to be refused when they asked to have them returned to their care.

During this meeting with the parents (filmed) I reiterated a promise that I had made to them a few years earlier – namely that when my film CHANTI’S WORLD was completed, when I had some money, that I would buy them a block of land in the their home province and enable them to make the first step towards becoming self-sufficient. They were delighted.

On my next trip back to Cambodia I went to visit the family – only to discover that they had moved. Their neighbours did not know where they had gone. Again I had lost contact with them. Again I appealed to CCF to put me in contact with the parents.  You refused.

I would like to give you one last opportunity to put me in contact with the family. I wish to fulfill my promise to them to buy them a block of land. I had hoped, when I first made contact with Patrick, that it may have been possible to acknowledge in CHANTI’S WORLD the good work I believed at the time that CCF was doing. Instead, the story I have to tell is one that does not show either you or CCF in a good light.

I am copying this to others at CCF so that there is no possibility, further down the track, of you saying that I did not give you an opportunity to correct the serious error in judgment you made when you decided to prevent me from contacting the family.

I have attached a few stills from that part of CHANTI’S WORLD that deals with the lives of family – not just working in but living in the Phnom Penh dump.

best wishes

Monday, May 19, 2014

# 8 Scott Neeson exposed as a liar

Scott Neeson
Executive Director
Cambodian Children’s Fund
Phnom Penh

29th October 2013

Dear Scott

On 25th September 2011 you wrote, in relation to Sokayn and Sokourn:

“CCF gave the children a Western-quality education and provided the parents with a new life back in their homeland. We provided real, tangible help to them.” 

This was a lie. At the time of your writing, in Sept 2011, Sokayn and Sokourn’s parents were working in the Phnom Penh dump, earning between them $1,000 a year. Their daughters, Sokayn and Sokourn were living in one of your CCF centres.

This was Sokayn's family home AFTER she and her sister Sokourn had started living at CCF No attempt at all was made to help the family. Only the children were to be assisted. The parents left to work in the dump under the most appalling of conditions.

At the time they were, according to you, living a ‘new life back in their homeland’, thanks to the generosity of CCF, Srey Ka and Chuan told me (and my camera) that (a) they received no assistance at all of any kind from CCF and (b) they had requested that CCF return their daughters to them but that CCF had refused to do so. When I asked Chuan and Srey Ka (three times, to be sure) if they had signed any form of agreement with CCF they said no, they had not. It seems that CCF had entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs but not with Srey Ka and Chuan. If this is not so, please feel free to correct me.

In this same email of 25th Sept 2011 you also wrote:

“You are a voyeur who has the luxury to romanticize a situation that you know nothing about.”

As I have made clear in our fairly extensive email correspondence, given that you have never met me, your description of me as a ‘voyuer’ amounts to little more than a rather pathetic personal insult.

The family home in the Phnom Penh rubbish tip.
As for my lack of experience, I have been coming to Cambodia for 18 years, have travelled the country extensively, have been embroiled in its politics and have, through my association with numerous very poor families, been able to see up close the sorts of problems they encounter in their lives. I include Sokayn’s family in this. They very generously allowed me to film them in their home (for want of a better word) in the dump and at work in the dump. 

My ‘thank you’ to the family was a promise, when I had enough money, to buy them the block of land that they had told me they most wanted and needed to extricate themselves from the dump. You have gone out of your way to make this impossible – in ways that I need not repeat here but which are there for all to read on my blog, will be there for all to read in my book and will be apparent to viewers of my documentary. I have set the money aside for the family in a bank account and will, in the not-too-distant future, see if I can find them through Facebook and other social media.

Yes, you have threatened (in your veiled way) to sue me if I defame CCF. As we both know it is not possible for me to get E & O insurance if my documentary in any way defames you or CCF. And without E & O insurance no broadcaster will screen it. Just as your lawyers will be looking for evidence upon which they can base a defamation suit, mine have been looking at my film with the object in mind of guaranteeing that there is nothing defamatory in it. There is not. I deal with facts only. It will be up to individual audience members to make what they will of the facts at their disposal.

A rare treat - a shared egg!

It may well be that CCF does a lot of very good work and that your NGO’s lack of assistance to Srey Ka and Chuan’s family is the exception rather than the rule. Or there may be some explanation that you have not seen fit to share with me. (Client confidentiality is the usual justification given by NGOs for answering no questions). It may be that the Somaly Mam Foundation does a lot of very good work also by telling lies similar to the one you put in writing to me about CCF having helped Srey Ka and Chuan. Perhaps I am just very old-fashioned but I  take exception to NGOs who play fast and loose with the truth, who make up sensational stories (Somaly Mam, for instance) in order to boost donations and sponsorships.  

The family home's one 'bedroom', in which everyone sleeps

I also take exception (though I am probably in a minority here) to Cambodian children being flown to Hollywood to provide entertainment for celebrities. This is just another form of Poverty Tourism, without the tourists even having to leave Los Angeles! Yes, it makes the celebrities feel great about themselves but how much of the money raised by the young dancers in Hollywood has gone to help their families? Are the mothers and fathers still working in the dump?

You will not answer this question, any more than you have answered any questions I have put to you. Transparency and accountability are not your strong suits and it is highly unlikely that the media in Cambodia is going to ask you the kinds of questions that you and other NGOs should be asked. It is for this reason that Cambodia is awash with scam ‘orphanages’ and other NGOs that are, in essence, exploiting the extreme poverty of so many Cambodians to boost their bank balances.

Sokourn in her back yard!

I should stress here that there are lots of good NGOs doing valuable work. My criticisms are reserved for those who are economical with the truth.

I have finished filming CHANTI’S WORLD and am giving all those who will, whether they like it or not, be in the film (even if we do not see them) an opportunity to be interviewed. I have made this offer to you on a few occasions. Here, I am making it again.

best wishes

James Ricketson

# 7 Scott Neeson's responses to legitimate media questions raises a Pandora's box of other questions

Everyone pays lip service to the ideals of transparency and accountability these days – government departments, bureaucrats and, of course, NGOs.
Transparency and accountability lie at the very heart of a healthy functioning democracy so it is appropriate that all bodies (governments and NGOs alike) that exert power with the assistance of money from the public purse, should be held up as ideals. It does not always happen in reality, of course, and it is one of the roles of the media to hold all public officials accountable and to insist that they be transparent.
The same applies to the media too – members of which are also prone to playing fast and loose with the truth in order to push their own agenda. The ideals of transparency and accountability must apply to myself as much as to (in this case) the Cambodian Children’s Fund. I must not publish things that are not true or which,in the process of editing, have presented only that part of the truth that suits me. It is for this reason that I have published pretty well all of my correspondence with the Cambodian Children’s Fund. Should Scott Neeson wish to correct any errors I have made in my account of our correspondence these will be published online in full – with no editing.
Readers of this blog can make up their own minds as to whether I am being unreasonable in wishing to be put in contact with Ka, Chuan and their family or whether it is CCF that is being unreasonable.
14th August
Dear Scott
Two years ago, when I attempted to drop off photos to Sokayn  at CCF, I had two objectives: (1) I wanted to add an up to date coda to  the story I had shot about Sokayn and her family and (2) I wanted to fulfill my promise to the family that, in return for its generosity in allowing me into its life in the dump, I would help Ka and Chuan out financially.
Two simple objectives! 
My filming for CHANTI’S WORLD was pretty much at an end and, as it happens, the story within the story about a family living and working in the Phnom Penh dump was a small one. I anticipated that it would occupy less than five minutes of screen time.
At the time (Sept 2011) I had no reason to disbelieve anything I read on the CCF website. It seemed to me that Sokayn and Sokourn now had the best of both worlds – good nutritious food, access to a decent education, medical and dental care and so on whilst at the same time maintaining strong links with their family. I did have some reservations about the fact that CCF was doing nothing to help Ka and Chuan financially but figured that, with a tight budget, CCF had good budgetary reasons for limiting its assistance to the children only. This was before I found out that in the same year that Ka and Chuan earnt, between them $1,000 a year working in the dump, CCF received $4 million in donations. Using the roughest of all calculations this means that if CCF is taking care, say, of 1000 children, CCF received in the vicinity of $4,000 per child in donations in 2011.
When I discovered this I could not help but wonder: How much of this $4,000 (these are ballpark figures) are spent in such a way as to help Ka and Chuan retrain so that they could get jobs outside of the dump? Alternatively, if leaving the dump was not an option, what was CCF doing to see to it that Ka and Chuan and the rest of the family (including a very young baby) at least had access to clean water and nutritious food?
I did not know about the $4 million in donations at the time so questions such as these were not foremost in my mind when I turned up at CCF in Sept 2011.
It became clear within a few days of my attempt to drop photos off to Sokayn that CCF had changed its policy. Casual visitors such as myself, who had been casually visiting for years, could no longer do so. Fair enough. Rules and protocols change. I did not know of the change and there is no reason why I should have. However, as soon as it became apparent that my turning up unannounced was an innocent mistake, why did CCF not do the most obvious thing - make contact with Ka and Chuan and act as a conduit of messages between us. As I mentioned at the time, if for any reason Ka and Chuan had decided they did not want to have contact with me this would have been their decision and not one imposed, on their behalf, by CCF. This is what has occurred. Two years down the track CCF still refuses to either pass messages on to Ka and Chuan or to pass messages from them back to me. Why is this?
The only thing that has changed since Sept 2011 is that I discovered when I made contact with Ka and Chuan, despite CCFs obstructions, that CCF had not helped them start a new life in the provinces at all. You had lied to me, Scott. Why? Was it simply that you are a control freak who did not like the idea that anyone other than yourself and CCF staff might have a relationship with this family? Or was it because you did not want me (and hence my camera) to witness the conditions under which Ka and Chuan were living? I do not pretend to know the answer and it may be that I never discover it. However, it is one of the roles of documentary to ask such questions and so this is what I am doing here and what I will be doing in subsequent filming.
I will now put a good deal of effort into finding Ka and Chuan despite the obstructive position you have taken. My search for them will become part of my film. I will leave it to the audience to decide whether CCF has, this past two years, been acting in a reasonable manner in refusing to act as a conduit for messages between myself and the family.
In the interests of transparency and accountability I have started to publish, online, the bulk of my correspondence with CCF since Sept 2011. It is somewhat repetitious so I am editing it a little, but not in such a way as to misrepresent CCF’s position vis a vis putting me in contact with Ka and Chuan.
The correspondence can be found at:
best wishes

17th August


Dear Scott

As an experienced filmmaker you know that there is no way that I can broadcast CHANTI'S WORLD anywhere in the world if it contains anything that is defamatory. Broadcasters have legal departments devoted to making a determination about such matters. And, of course, film producers (if they have any sense) also obtain sound legal advice before including anything in a film that could be actionable. I have been making films for 40 years and know both my rights and my responsibilities.

You will also know, as an experienced film person, that a documentary filmmaker's job is, in part, to ask the kinds of questions I have been asking of you and CCF. To not do so would be irresponsible on my part. It is also an integral part of my job to seek clarification of statements made by one party in relation to another. If A makes an observation about B it is beholden on me to check with B to make sure this observation is correct. And, if there is a discrepancy, to acknowledge in my documentary that a discrepancy exists. A says this, B says that and there is no way that the filmmaker can be sure which is providing an accurate picture of what has occurred. Unless you happen to be Michael Moore, it is not the documentary filmmakers job to tell audiences what to think but to provide audiences with as much information as the filmmaker has at his/her disposal (subject, of course, to the limitations imposed by time slots) and allow the audience to make up its own mind as to where the truth lies.

I have, today, published online, # 4 of my record of online communication between myself and CCF. Our relationship has been 100% online as you have refused to speak with me or meet with me in person. The negative aspect of this lack of face to face contact is that this 'dispute' (for want of a better word) has taken on a life of its own and is, in my estimation, a dreadful waste of time and energy. On the positive side, the fact that all of our communication has been online makes it impossible for either you and me to deny that we wrote what we wrote at a particular time.

In my mind the original reason for this 'dispute' is much less significant than the fact that the dynamic of it reveals just how lacking in transparency and accountability CCF is in the real world - as opposed to the online world in which NGOs can write what they like, regardless of the truth, because the aim is to raise money and the best way to do this is to tell potential sponsors and donors what they want to hear.

As always (and being at heart an optimist) I remain hopeful that you will change your position and put me in contact with Ka and Chuan so that I can (a) Find out from them what their lives comprise of now (perhaps CCF has, finally, helped them establish a new life in their homeland) and (b) to help the family in whatever way it would like to be helped, taking into account that my pockets are not all that deep. It is not the role of CCF to prevent me from making contact with the family;' to prevent me from fulfilling my promise of help made many years ago now.

I am still in Phnom Penh if you would like to talk about any of this face to face.

best wishes


In the event that Scott does not respond to this email of three days ago (which experience suggests is highly likely) and continues to refuse to put me in contact with Ka and Chuan, or at least enquire as to whether they wish to be in contact with me, there is no point in attempting to communicate with Scott anymore. This does not mean that I am giving up on my quest to find Ka and Chuan. Far from it.

…to be continued…

# 6 "You are a voyeur" Scott Neeson tells filmmaker who asks too many questions!

“You are a voyeur,” Scott Neeson wrote to me. He is right, if a very broad interpretation to the word ‘voyeur’ is used. All documentary filmmakers that take viewers into the lives of others are voyeurs. So too are the viewers of these documentaries. We are social animals. We like to know how others live their lives. All literature, all drama, all film, all forms of story-telling are a way in which we can enter into the lives of others and, to the extent that it is possible, to see and experience the world as they do.

The dictionary definition of ‘voyeur’ is:

“A person who derives sexual gratification from observing naked bodies or sexual acts of others, especially from a secret vantage point.”

I doubt that Scott, in calling me a voyeur, was suggesting that I get sexual satisfaction from observing the naked bodies of others. I suspect he was inferring that, like a Peeping Tom, I filmed with Sokayn and her family without their knowledge or permission.

So why was I filming in the Phnom Penh rubbish dump? In brief:

In 2007, whilst filming CHANTI’S WORLD, I found myself with a few days at my disposal, with no commitments. I wondered if anything had changed (other than the location) at the Phnom Penh rubbish dump since I had last visited it a decade beforehand. It occurred to me that the number of families living and working in a rubbish dump says a lot about how well a government treats its own citizens. With an annual injection of around US $600 million from the international donor community, how much of this money was trickling down to Cambodian men, women and children so poor that they had to eke out a paltry living scavenging in a rubbish dump?

On my first visit to the dump at Stung Meanchey I walked, in sandled feet, (not a good idea!) through the slush and mush to film what I would refer to as ‘generic images’ of men, women and children at work, of garbage trucks unloading, of bulldozers and so on. Figures in a landscape. I was shocked by the sheer number of children working in the dump, by the putrid smoke-filled air they had to breathe, by working conditions that would have to be amongst the worst that any human being has to work in on the face of the planet.

I returned to my hotel in Phnom Penh and wrote an email to my son about what I had seen. I told him that I would go back the following day; that I felt as though there was a story in the dump waiting to find me. A human story. It is often this way with stories. You don’t go looking for them. They find you.

The following day I went to the dump again and, within a couple of minutes, caught the attention of a grubby young girl in a dirty skirt. She smiled and waved to me. I smiled and waved back. I turned my camera on. The young girl walked up to, took the camera in her hands, bought her face right up to the lens and stared into it. This was Sokayn. She was 7 years old and spoke very rudimentary English. She instructed me to follow her. I did. My camera was still running. She took me to a line of rough dwellings made from scrap wood, rusty corrugated iron and cloth to where her family lived. Their home rested on a hill close to the entrance of the dump. The hill was a 30 ft high pile of old rubbish.

Over the next couple of years I filmed sporadically with Sokayn and her family. On each occasion I bought them rice, some other foods and gave them a little money. I let them know, through an interpreter, that I hoped one day to be able to help them in a more substantial way. (At the time my filming of CHANTI;S WORLD was being funded by my job as a taxi driver in Sydney)

So, when I found myself in a position to be able to make good my promise but could not find Ka and Chuan, I began what has become the convoluted correspondence that you are reading now – correspondence that has as its primary purpose finding a way to make contact with Ka, Chuan, Sokayn and Sokourn.  

Scott ’s and my email exchange is, as will be apparent, cyclical. I keep asking that Scott and CCF act as a conduit between myself and the family, whilst Scott places every obstacle he can in my way – justifying his doing so with a mixture of insults (“You are a voyeur”) and by leaping to conclusions about my motivations based on no evidence at all.

Scott’s obstructionist  approach has inevitably given rise to new questions. And, when Scott refuses to answer these, yet more questions.

In fairness to Scott he did answer a few questions in an email of 8th August 2012

8th August 2012


3 – All parents/guardians have an agreement with CCF regarding CCF’s duty of care to the child.

This contradicts what Ka and Chuan told me, on videotape – namely that they had entered into no written contract at all with CCF. I have no way of knowing where the truth lies.

5 – Over the past 6 years, CCF have provided financial, social and material assistance to the family, in order for them to start lives independent of the garbage dump.

This contradicts what Ka and Chuan say. Again, I have no way of knowing where the truth lies. I do know that Scott’s previous assertion that CCF had helped the family start a new life in their homeland was not true. And the question arises: “How effective has CCF been in enabling the family to start lives independent of the garbage dump if, after six years of such help, Ka and Chuan are still working in the dump?

6- CCF is available to address any comments made by the parents regarding "their relationship with CCF". 

7- CCF can provide the case file on Sokheng if you provide written permission from the parents. We are unable to provide this information without the parent's consent. With such a good relationship with the parents, I assume they would consent to this. 



18th March 2013


Dear Scott

In relation to two of the points you make in this email:

(6)  6- CCF is available to address any comments made by the parents regarding
"their relationship with CCF".

I am in Phnom Penh, in the final stages of finishing off filming. I would be delighted if you or any representative of CCF were to provide your perspective  for CHANTI'S WORLD.

(7)- CCF can provide the case file on Sokheng if you provide written permission from the parents. We are unable to provide this information  without the parent's consent. With such a good relationship with the parents, I assume they would consent to this.

I have, today, been to the home where Chuan and Ka were living. They are no longer there. One set of neighbours believe that they have gone  to live in the provinces. Another believes that they are working in a garment factory. The phone number I have for the family (***********) no longer works. Or, perhaps the family is in the province and out of telephone range.

I have money to give to Chan and Ka and would appreciate it if you could pass on a message to them that I can be contacted at 098208184

best wishes

James Ricketson

23rd March 2013


Dear Scott

I am not really all that surprised that you have not responded to my email of six days ago. This is your style. Ka, Chuan, Soyan and Sokourn, the entire family, ‘belong’ to CCF and how dare an upstart such as myself think he can make contact with the family!

I went through this before, you will remember, and managed to track the family down despite your best efforts to prevent me from doing so. I’ll keep trying and perhaps will be successful. Perhaps not. I do know one person who may be able to tell me where Ka and Chuan are but she will not be back in Phnom Penh for another week or so. Time will tell.

When last I saw Ka and Chuan I promised them that when I had sold my film I would buy them land and help them financially to set themselves up in their province so that the whole family could be together. I am in Cambodia with money to give them fulfill my promise but you, in your inimitable fashion, are determined to make it as hard as possible or, if you can, impossible.

I will put the money into a bank account where it will accrue interest. It will remain in this account until such time as I track down Ka and Chuan or, when they are 18 and allowed to take control of their own lives, freed from your paternalistic neo-colonial clutches, when I can track down Sokayn or Sokourn.

If it takes years to track them down I imagine that the family will wonder why it was that you and CCF put so much effort into preventing me from fulfilling my promise.

If you should have a change of heart, you have my email address that you can pass on. Or, if no member of the family has access to or knows how to use the internet, there is the postal service. My address is 316 Whale Beach Road, Palm Beach, 2108, Sydney, Australia.

CCF is not, of course, the only NGO that has adopted your form of paternalistic approach to caring for kids – a form of caring that is designed to break up families and to give you complete control of the kids lives. There are many others. Many. Too many. It is not just the government of Cambodia that exploits the Cambodian people. There are plenty of NGOs doing so also – taking advantage of the lack of a functioning legal system and the lack of a properly functioning Ministry of Social Affairs to make up whatever rules suit them.

On the basis of my experience with you to date, you are just such an NGO –making decisions on behalf of Ka and Chuan (two adults) because you do not believe them capable of making decisions on their own behalf regarding whom they should associate with and whom they can communicate with. This is the very worst form of paternalism, Scott, and if you just stopped for a moment to think about it, you would see   what you are doing for what it is.

This email will either be ignored by you or result in one of your arrogant pontifical responses. Such is life!


I received no response to this email. Five months later, during my present trip to Cambodia, I wrote to Scott again:

12th August 2013


Dear Scott
A few days ago an acquaintance of mine, wishing to make a financial contribution to an ‘orphanage’ in Cambodia, asked me what I thought of the Cambodian Children’s Fund. I told him straight up that the CCF was not an ‘orphanage’. He was surprised. His impression, from his online research, was that it was. I checked online to be sure and my friend is, definitely, wrong. The CCF does not advertise itself as an orphanage. However, given how little  there is on the CCF website about  the parents of the children in your care, perhaps my acquaintance’s confusion is understandable.
In response to his question, ”Is the CCF a good NGO,” I could only reply, honestly, that I did not know. Like him all I had to go on (other than my first hand experience) was what I had read on the CCF website. It all reads well and sounds impressive but then I had had, I told him, an experience with yourself that left me wondering how much of what is on your website is true and how much of it is the CCF telling potential donors and sponsors what they want to hear?
I suggested that he ask questions and make a decision for himself based on the answers he receives. Number one question, I suggested, should be “How many of the kids in the CCF are orphans?” Number two question should be, ”What is the CCF doing to help the parents of the CCF kids become sufficiently self-sufficient that they not longer need to grow up in a large institution but can grow up within the loving embrace of their families?”
My acquaintance was shocked by the implications inherent in my questions. He admitted to his own naivete and asked for more information. I provided it. Or, should I say, I provided only the information that has come my way through personal experience. And this personal experience is, in a nutshell, that for close to two years (since Sept 2011) you and Patrick and CCF generally have gone out of your way to prevent me from having any kind of contact with Sokayn and Sokourn’s parents Ka and Chuan. You have advanced all sorts of reasons as to why this should be so but, with the passage of two years, they do not hold water.
It would have been very easy, at any point since Sept 2011, for CCF to contact Ka and Chuan, let them know that I was trying to make contact with them and let them know how to make contact with me should they wish to do so. (This is all very well documented in our correspondence). I provided you with my email address, my phone number and my physical address in Australia. It would have been so easy for the CCF to have passed my message on to Ka and Chuan and then passed their response back to me. You did not do so.
At first I thought this was just you being an old-fashioned colonist, Scott, but when I did find Ka and Chuan , another reason occurred to me. Whilst Sokayn and Sokourn were being treated to a first world education, with access to computers, three meals a day etc. their parents were living in a box with no windows, working six and sometimes seven days a week in the dump to earn, in one year, a combined income of $1,000. Why, I wondered, was CCF doing nothing to help Ka and Chuan?
In the meantime, CCF was receiving (this is 2011) around $4 million in donations. In short, there was quite a bit of money floating around. The question in my mind was (and remains), “How much of this money, in reality, goes to helping parents such as Ka and Chuan retrain and/or become self-sufficient such that (a) they no longer need to work in the dump and (b) no longer require the services of the CCF to take care of their children?
I asked some questions of you along these lines but you did not answer them.
It was around this time, when I made contact with Ka and Chuan working in the dump (at the same time that you were declaring that you had helped the family start a new life in the provinces!) that I asked Ka and Chuan what there was I could do to help them become self-sufficient and so able to get Sokayn and Sokourn released back into their care. Their answer was that they wished for, wanted and would be very happy if I could buy them a small block of land and a house in their province. This I promised to do. I made my promise for two reasons. One, I had become fond of the family and two, I believed strongly that if I were able to sell my film that those who appear in it should reap some benefits from the sale. I extended the same offer to Chanti and she and her family are now the owners of a small block of land, a house and a tuk tuk.
With Ka and Chan’s phone number and knowing where they lived I had no need to use the CCF to pass messages on for me. This was just as well because you had made it clear, for the most spurious of reasons, that you had no intention of doing so. Then, earlier this year, Ka and Chuan moved from their box out near the dump (to refer to it as a home would be a gross exaggeration) and the phone number I had for the family no longer worked.
Again, I appealed to yourself, Patrick and CCF to put me in contact with Ka and Chuan again so that I could fulfill my promise to them. You have consistently refused to do so all year. I have tried in every way I can think of to track Ka and Chuan. Without success.
As I have mentioned previously, I will put the money aside for the family, in a bank account, in the hope that one day, somehow, I will track them down – at which point they will wonder, with good reason, why CCF put so much effort into preventing me from fulfilling my promise to them.
In reading through your website contents over the weekend, making sure that CCF was not passing itself off as an ‘orphanage’ (it is not) I came across the following:
Pages and pages of children (with photos attached) being advertised as available to be sponsored.
“Do these children have parents? If so, how much of the money raised through sponsorship of them goes to assisting the parents of these children become self-sufficient?
Another sentence of interest that I came across was:
“We provide cash and rice support to a family for one to three months.”
“Given the level of dire poverty experienced by the parents working in the rubbish dump, how effective is one (or even three) months of rice in alleviating this poverty and helping the families become self-sustaining?”
The third sentence that I found interesting was:
“For child protection and other reasons, it will not usually be possible to visit the family home. But rest assured that your visit to CCF will enable you to appreciate the reality of the life of the child and family you are helping.
“What ‘child protection matters’ are being referred to here? What ‘other reasons” exist for not allowing sponsors to visit the homes of children living in a CCF home? How can a sponsor possibly appreciate the “reality of the life of a child and family” without visiting the family home?”
One possible answer to this question is (and please correct me if I am way off beam here) that CCF does not want sponsors to see and experience the hovels that the parents of CCF kids live in as this would be both distressing and raise the question:
“How come the kids are being looked after so well whilst their parents are living in squalor?”
There were a few occasions when I was filming in the dump, a few years ago, in the hovel that Ka and Chuan called their home, when Sokayn and Sokourn came home for the weekend from CCF. It was at this point that I first began to wonder how and why it was that CCF could treat Sokayn and Sokourn so differently to their parents? Was CCF’s breaking up of the family intentional or was it merely a byproduct of CCF’s belief that the kids would have a better quality of life and greater opportunities for the future if they grew up in an institution rather than with their poor parents? Why, I wondered, was CCF not helping the entire family lift itself out of poverty, as opposed to lifting two children in the family out of poverty and leaving the rest to wallow in it?
Because there is no independent monitoring of ‘orphanages’ in Cambodia, there is no-one, no body, to whom the CCF is accountable for the way it treats children and families. I have no reason to believe that CCF has anything other than the best of intentions in the way it treats the children in its care. What I do wonder, however,  is whether it is necessary to break up families in order to help the child members of them.
Good intentions are not enough. We all know that the pathway to hell can be paved with good intentions. I am sure that the vast majority those involved in taking Aboriginal children from their families in the 19th and 20th centuries did so with the very best of intentions. However, we now know that this experiment in social engineering was traumatic for both the parents who had their children ‘stolen’ and for the children themselves – all too often forced to grow up in large institutions. It is six years since Australia formally apologized to the ‘stolen generation’ for what was clearly a misguided policy. And yet, today, with the rapid growth in ‘orphanages;’ in Cambodia (orphans who have parents!) this discredited form of social engineering is alive and well.
The Opinion piece in today’s Cambodia Daily (“Orphanages Make Children Vulnerable to Many Types of Abuse”) expresses, with more eloquence than I am capable of, the dangers of warehousing large numbers of children in institutions as opposed to the much cheaper and more humane alternative of assisting these children within a family context.
If you should have a change of heart regarding putting Ka and Chuan in contact with me I would be delighted.
best wishes


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…to be continued…